+91 9404702436, 9422292436

What we do?

Rescue & Rehab    |    Spay & Neuter    |    Adoptions & Release and more

What we do?


Rescue & Rehab

Rescuing animals from challenging situations, such as neglect, abuse, abandonment, or homelessness, and providing them with necessary care, training, and support to help them recover physically and emotionally.


Spay & Neuter

We spay/neuter shelter animals for overpopulation control, health benefits, behavioral improvements, and longer lifespan.


Adoptions & Release

Rescued animals, after healing, get adopted through our adoption camps. Some of them get released in their territorial areas, if they heal in a particular period of time.


Sanctuary for Disabled

Sharan For Animals has a particular section for disabled animals, that helps them to isolate and heal quicker.


Animal Cruelty Department

Upon receiving complaints regarding animal cruelty, Sharan For Animals checks up on the situation and takes appropriate actions according to the situation.


Rabies Vaccination Drive

Sharan For Animals conduct rabies vaccination camps for strays time to time for their well being.

Rescue & Rehab

Rescuing animals from challenging situations, such as neglect, abuse, abandonment, or homelessness, and providing them with necessary care, training, and support to help them recover physically and emotionally.


Safe haven for animals in need. Providing second chances at life with compassion and love, we heal wounds and dedicate ourselves to their well-being. Join us to create a better future for these precious beings and make a lasting impact together.

Our Address

Mumbai - Agra National Highway, next to Nehru Garden, Nashik - 10

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+91 9404702436,

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